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I Can't Think Straight: The Story of Tala and Leyla, a Forbidden Romance


I got up from my desk a few days ago, walked all the way across the house, and stood there. I could not, for the life of me, think of what I had intended to do or what was so important that I'd broken into my work to do it.

a I Can 't Think Straight

Billions of brain cells called neurons send signals around the body to help you carry out important functions like thinking and feeling emotions. After being so active throughout the day, these cells need time to rest at night in order to be refreshed and function well again the next morning.

Even when the effects of sleep loss are not immediately noticeable, they can significantly affect your ability to think straight and concentrate during the day. For instance, after a sleepless night you may have more difficulty focusing while driving, not learn as well at school, or make more errors at work.

My adult son, takes medicine, olazpine 15mg has been on this drug since mid 90s that's a concern Dr's just keep prescribing. He also takes Trileptal recently, and deloxintine 60 mgs for 3 years now, concern could it be causing mania? He gets very frustrated and negative thinking angery thoughts, angery talk, he gets angery alot practically everyday, few days he's OK, but something is wrong. He'll be OK then look depressed gets angery, he's gained a lot of weight too. I can't take this anger, lashing out at me, arguing seems to be a norm. No help from psycatrist doctors. Should I have him in voluntary committed? Because he does not explain in detail how he changes with rage. He acts like he is just fine. As a doctors appointment is only for 15 minutes, and the medical stay the same

One of the most common neurological symptoms reported by Long COVID patients is "brain fog," with some studies suggesting that as many as 80% of patients experience ongoing issues with memory and fuzzy thinking.

With temperatures continuing to hit the thirty degrees in parts of the UK this month you might be thinking your brain power is suffering. A study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has shown that this might well be true.

In times of acute stress, we really DON'T think straight. In fact, we suffer deficits in working memory. And we do this in spite of an increase in dopamine release from the neuron terminals there, which we usually think of as being associated with important stimuli (like food or drugs) in the prefrontal cortex. So what causes this increase, and what does it mean? And how can we use this knowledge to reverse cognitive deficits associated with stress? Head over to Neurotic Physiology to find out!

I felt like I was walking in circles. My to-do list was long but I was accomplishing nothing. Nothing except shifting messes from one place to another and getting increasingly frustrated with myself.Why couldn't I think straight!? Urgency pulled and tugged, creating anxiety, yet I couldn't get myself unstuck.Many days I just plod along, hoping that somehow I'll pull myself together and move forward. Sadly, my success rate with that approach is pretty low. Just doing more doesn't help when my mind is scattered.My biggest challenge with bringing order to my day and home usually isn't found externally. It's not too much to do, too small closets, or too many kids running around. Yes, those can be challenges, but they aren't the biggest one.My biggest foe is my cluttered mind. When I don't think straight, I can't solve problems.Our minds are the command center of managing our lives. We may blame outside pressures for our problems, but many times the issue is within: minds that aren't seeking help from the Source of all wisdom and clarity-God.As Christians we have a direct line to God's wisdom as our key verse promises. Plus, we have the Holy Spirit living in us who is our Counselor (John 14:26), and as the Bible tells us, we have "the mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2:16). That's a powerhouse of help!But we don't always tap into this Source of help. And when we do, if the truth were told, we often don't really expect God to answer us. Others, those super-spiritual types, may hear from God. But not me, we think.And so we struggle with problem-solving. We are frustrated at our circumstances, confused about what to do, discouraged and defeated. It's a downward cycle.For years, I never even thought to ask God for help making little decisions. Maybe I'd bring Him in on the big decisions, but the little ones I figured I could handle myself. Oh, how I missed out on so much clarity and focus.If you are having trouble thinking, ask God to clear your mind and direct your decision-making. Then trust He is doing just that. Once you ask God to speak to you, expect it to happen. This expectation is crucial to hearing from God. Here what James 1:5-8 says:"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do."If you do start to doubt, then take that thought captive and choose to trust that God has spoken. Listening and trusting are important parts of prayer, because prayer is not always to get God to move.Many times, prayer positions us to hear God's direction on how we should move. Through prayer, we align our hearts to God's heart, and things become clearer.Is the clutter in your mind making it hard to think clearly? Perhaps one of the problems is you're trying to figure things out on your own. We've been given the mind of Christ and we are offered the wisdom of God. Let's ask and receive.Lord, You know how hard it is for me to focus sometimes. It's hard to figure out what needs to be done. I just feel overwhelmed and discouraged. I know You aren't a God of confusion, so I ask for Your wisdom and clarity to help bring order to my chaotic mind. In Jesus Name, Amen.***



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