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Bad Kids Go To Hell Torrent Nl Subs

I was not through the first month of my second year withthe kind and gentlemanly Mr. Freeland before I was earnestlyconsidering and devising plans for gaining that freedomwhich, when I was but a mere child, I had ascertained to bethe natural and inborn right of every member of the humanfamily. The desire for this freedom had been benumbedwhile I was under the brutalizing dominion of Covey, and ithad been postponed and rendered inoperative by my trulypleasant Sunday-school engagements with my friends duringthe year at Mr. Freeland's. It had, however, never entirelysubsided. I hated slavery always, and my desire for freedomneeded only a favorable breeze to fan it to a blaze at anymoment. The thought of being only a creature of the presentand the past troubled me, and I longed to have a future--afuture with hope in it. To be shut up entirely to the pastand present is to the soul whose life and happiness is unceasing progress--what the prison is to the body--a blight andmildew, a hell of horrors. The dawning of this, anotheryear, awakened me from my temporary slumber, and rousedinto life my latent but long-cherished aspirations for freedom.I became not only ashamed to be contented in slavery, butashamed to seem to be contented, and in my present favorablecondition under the mild rule of Mr. Freeland, I am not sure Page 154that some kind reader will not condemn me for being over-ambitious, and greatly wanting in humility, when I say thetruth, that I now drove from me all thoughts of making thebest of my lot, and welcomed only such thoughts as led meaway from the house of bondage. The intensity of my desireto be free, quickened by my present favorable circumstances,brought me to the determination to act as well as to thinkand speak. Accordingly, at the beginning of this year 1836,I took upon me a solemn vow, that the year which had justnow dawned upon me should not close without witnessing anearnest attempt, on my part, to gain my liberty. This vowonly bound me to make good my own individual escape, butmy friendship for my brother-slaves was so affectionate andconfiding that I felt it my duty, as well as my pleasure, togive them an opportunity to share in my determination.Toward Henry and John Harris I felt a friendship as strongas one man can feel for another, for I could have died withand for them. To them, therefore, with suitable caution, Ibegan to disclose my sentiments and plans, sounding themthe while on the subject of running away, provided a goodchance should offer. I need not say, that I did my very bestto imbue the minds of my dear friends with my own viewsand feelings. Thoroughly awakened now, and with a definitevow upon me, all my little reading which had any bearing onthe subject of human rights was rendered available in mycommunications with my friends. That gem of a book, theColumbian Orator, with its eloquent orations and spicy dialogues denouncing oppression and slavery--telling what hadbeen dared, done, and suffered by men, to obtain the inestimable boon of liberty, was still fresh in my memory, andwhirled into the ranks of my speech with the aptitude of well-trained soldiers going through the drill. I here began mypublic speaking. I canvassed with Henry and John the subject of slavery, and dashed against it the condemning brandof God's eternal justice. My fellow-servants were neitherindifferent, dull, nor inapt, Our feelings were more alike Page 155than our opinions. All, however, were ready to act when afeasible plan should be proposed. "Show us how the thingis to be done," said they, "and all else is clear."

"The essence and significance of our devotions here to-day are not to befound in the fact that the men whose remains fill these graves were brave inbattle If we met simply to show our sense of bravery, we should findenough to kindle admiration on both sides. In the raging storm of fire andblood, in the fierce torrent of shot and shell, of sword and bayonet, whetheron foot or on horse, unflinching courage marked the rebel not less than theloyal soldier.

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